SCI Educational Forums
Past Forums
Work Incentives
This educational forum aims to help individuals in the SCI (Spinal Cord Injury) community by providing important information and resources about work incentives. Whether you’re facing the challenges of SCI or supporting someone who is, this video offers helpful insights and practical tools for accessing work opportunities and benefits.
Participants had the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, and gain insights in a supportive, inclusive setting. Whether managing personal challenges or supporting a loved one, OSCI offers critical tools to help navigate the SCI journey. If you missed the event, you can still watch the recording to access these valuable insights and resources.
Counseling & Mental Health Resources
Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection and Brightways Counseling recently hosted an educational forum on Counseling and Mental Health Resources. Led by OSCI health workers and experts, the event provided vital mental health strategies and counseling options for the SCI community.
Participants had the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, and gain insights in a supportive, inclusive setting. Whether managing personal challenges or supporting a loved one, the forum offered critical tools to help navigate mental health with confidence. If you missed the event, you can still watch the recording to access these valuable insights and resources.
Temperature Regulation After Spinal Cord Injury
This Educational Forum on temperature regulation after spinal cord injury provides essential strategies for staying cool and safe during warmer weather, empowering the SCI community to enjoy the Pacific Northwest. If you missed the live session, watch the recording for valuable insights.
Temperature dysregulation is common after SCI, especially for those with higher-level injuries, leading to risks of hypothermia or hyperthermia. This occurs because the spinal cord’s thoracic neurons, which regulate body temperature, are disrupted after injury. Watch the recording to learn more!
Vocational Rehab
In this session we discussed what vocational rehab facilities are available in Oregon and how they can help those seeking to re-enter the workforce after a spinal cord injury. Our special guest is Teddy Walston, the southern Oregon branch manager for the ODHS vocational rehabilitation.
Work Incentives
During this Educational Forum we discussed the details of working after having a disability including SSI, SSDI, and OHP Benefits. Our guest speaker, Leslie Keller, shared her perspective as a Work Incentives Coordinator. Check it out!
Maintaining Gut Health
Learn more about maintaining your gut health. For those of us in a wheelchair it’s so important to think about how we keep our gut health in proper balance. OSCI Community Health Workers will discuss probiotics and other important ways to promote good gut health. Check it out!
Adaptive Driving
Learn about driving as a wheelchair user. Several of our OSCI community health workers discussed their experiences driving with a variety of adaptive equipment.
Adaptive Hunting & Fishing
Learn more about how to enjoy outdoor recreation as a wheelchair user and how to access resources available through Oregon State Parks and other partners. SCI community members who regularly hunt and fish also discuss their set-ups and gear.
Emergency Preparedness
Learn about how a wheelchair user can to be ready for a disaster, the importance of having a plan, building a “Go” bag, and understanding how to handle the unexpected.
Accessible Public Transportation – Portland Metro
Learn about navigating public transportation as a wheelchair user. This session is designed to help users understand how to access services in the Portland Metro area. Several community members discuss their experiences using public transportation including Tri-met buses, Max line, C-Tran, and more. Learn more about Accessiblity on Tri-met.
Tobacco Use & Paralysis
This forum on tobacco cessation discusses the hidden effects smoking tobacco after a spinal cord injury. Guest speaker Robert Berry has over 11 years of experience in wound care.
More resouces about tobacco cessation and disability are available from SmokeFree Oregon.
Adaptive Athletes
Our Educational Forum on Adaptive Athletes and their sports is a great opportunity to learn about available accessible sports programs throughout Oregon and the broader Pacific Northwest. Options for every comfort level, from leisure to extreme sports.
We appreciate our friends at the Oregon Community Health Workers Association (ORCHWA) for their partnership.
Are you an invidual with a spinal cord injury who is interested in becoming a Community Health Worker? Let us know!
What are OSCI Community Health Workers?
Our Community Health Worker program is a team of trusted members of a community with extremely close relationships and a keen understanding of the needs of people in the SCI community. They are liaisons and links with healthcare, social services, and the community, helping to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery. They also build individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support, and advocacy.
This Educational Forum is a conversation between OSCI Community Health Workers and the community. Those impacted by spinal cord injuries were able to ask questions and find out how to get connected with the OSCI Community Health Worker program.
Adaptive Camping & CampAbility 2022
Interested in camping but don’t know where to start? This is a great opportunity to hear from community members about their camping experience, tips and tricks, and advice for overcoming barriers.
CampAbility is our adaptive camping program. We are spearheading change, and demonstrating that outdoor enthusiasm is alive and well in the spinal cord injury community! Our partners at Adventures Without Limits, REI, and David’s Chair – Outdoor Mobility Systems always help to make our CampAbility events unforgettable. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to learn about upcoming accessible camping trips.
Equipment Grants
There are several grant opportunities available to members of the SCI community in Oregon and SW Washington. We had a great discussion with representatives from the Kelly Brush Foundation and High Fives Foundation about their programs. Grant recipients were also there to share their experiences accessing grants. Find out more about programs available on our Grants & Loan Programs resource page.
Bowel Program
OSCI Community Health Workers discuss bowel function after spinal cord injury and the importance of a bowel program. Bowel function can be an embarrassing topic, but it’s critical to staying healthy after a spinal cord injury. Listen to what others have learned on their journey with a spinal cord injury. It’s a great opportunity for anyone affected by SCI to learn from folks who understand and care.
Bladder Management
The bladder just doesn’t work the same after a spinal cord injury. How do you manage? Our special guest speaker is Dr. Todd Linsenmeyer. An expert in the overlap between urology, rehabilitation, and spinal cord injury, Dr. Linsenmeyer is nationally recognized for his distinguished accomplishments.
Pain Management After SCI
An overview of types of pain experienced after a spinal cord injury including a presentation by board-certified pain specialist, Dr. Daniel Kim, MD.
COVID CURE-IOUS? is an informational session about the COVID Vaccine with special guest Jessica Guernsey the Multnomah County Public Health Director. Panelists include OSCI Community Health Workers: Casey Moore, Francisco Elias, and Waddah Sofan.
during COVID-19
This educational forum reviews procedures for cleaning and disinfecting manual and power wheelchairs at home, as well as review general at-home maintenance. The forum is designed for people who use a wheelchair and/or assistive technology and their families, as well as healthcare professionals including primary care providers and occupational and physical therapists. Hosted by OSCI with speakers including representatives from Permobil and the Oregon Office on Disability and Health at OHSU.