Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection

David\’s Chair – Bridging the gap of outdoor recreation for wheelchair users

Who is tired of looking at the beach from the parking lot, of not being able to go on trails because the gravel is too soft, or not being able to go in the snow because your chair will sink?  I think any of us that live with mobility limitations have had these feelings at some point.  

This is where the 501c3 non-profit David’s Chair comes in.  David’s Chair offers a unique service, they provide all-terrain track wheelchairs for outdoor recreation.  These chairs are able to go through sand, snow, mud, gravel, and so much more.  The best part is David’s Chair offers these chairs completely free of charge for people to use.

Three men with disabilities sitting in their own David's Chair on the beach

Although they are based in Medford, Oregon, David’s Chair offers their services throughout all of Oregon.  They started with one track chair and through community fundraising, they now have a fleet of 4 track chairs and 2 Frontier V6 off-road chairs.  All 6 chairs are available to the public for use at any time.

Do you find yourself wondering how can I get one of these chairs?  Here’s how it works;  anybody living with mobility limitations can attend one of their group excursions by signing up.  On these excursions, David’s Chair will bring all of their all-terrain wheelchairs to a location that’s been picked and have time slots available for people to use these chairs.  The other way is they allow anybody with mobility limitations to check out one of their chairs and go on an adventure of their own.  David’s Chair provides the trailer to haul the chair to where you need to go.  All you need to do is be able to tow a small trailer.  For anybody not able to tow a trailer that still wants to go on of their own adventure arrangements can be made for the chair and trailer to be dropped off and picked up.  

A woman standing tall in a David's chair next to a man on the beach

I personally have used these chairs multiple times.  I have taken my wife and son for a walk on the beach, through the snow, spent the day on the water’s edge at the lake, and gone on hiking trails I could never take my normal power chair on.  Two of the chairs offered have a standing feature for people that are able to bear weight on their legs.  You are able to drive on level terrain while standing.  

David’s Chair has gotten people out fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, in the snow, on the beach, and so much more.  We even sent a guy to burning man, and the Nevada desert was no match for the track chair.  He was able to go wherever he wanted.  If you have not heard of this small non-profit, you should definitely check them out and start planning your next adventure David’s Chair Facebook

Two people in their own David's Chair on a snowy road pulling a kid in a sled

Contact us

Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection

6645 NE 78th Ct C6
Portland, OR 97217

Email: contact@oregonsci.org